Tuesday, November 20, 2007

How can you tell the difference between an American and a Canadian?

No, it's not a joke. Those of you that know me know I can't tell a joke. At all. Which is strange because I'm often considered funny. How does that work?

Anyway, back to the original point. How can you tell the difference between an American and a Canadian? Besides the obvious foreign knowlege stuff (I knew I was going to get in trouble with this one), just talk to them. Most Canadians have a distinctive accent. It isn't the "oot and aboot" thing, either. I've been in this country all my life and I've never ever heard any one of us pronounce "out and about" that way. It's usually someone from another country making fun of us. Dummies.

No, ask a Canadian to say "sorry" (which supposedly due to our world famous politeness we say several times a day). We pronounce it SORE-y while in almost every American show I've ever seen they pronounce it SAW-ry. It's subtle but it's there. I've never noticed it before but there it is. Take it however you will.


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