Thursday, April 20, 2006

Feeling a lot less discouraged about the 10K.

I've gotten lots of advice about the run (35 days left in case you were curious). Two nuggets have stuck in my mind. One, from my former daycare client Amanda was that if I can do 60% the run, then it's possible to complete it since the other forty percent is adrenaline and sheer will. Both of which I have in spades (no pun intended). The other from my gym buddy Jim was that there's no shame in walking part of the race. In fact, he says that there was a marathon runner who ran all the way one year then tried running 10 minutes and walking 1 minute another year and did it in pretty much the same time. THAT'S encouraging. I can do that.

So this morning at the Y I ran 25 minutes on the treadmill and walked 5 (this was before Jim's advice) and felt great. The treadmill is going to be a good place to be for a couple of weeks before I venture out on the road again. It's better for my fragile ego. After my run I worked out my arms and shoulders in preparation for my dragonboat race at the end of June. Gee, I'm a sporty one aren't I?

So now that I've exercised 3 days in a row I'm feeling very fit and sexy even though nothing much has changed. You know those commercials by Reitmans where women are going about their business and the fashion show music comes on and they start catwalking? I feel like that just walking around my house. I'm loving myself right now (as in today) and I hope it keeps going. At least until the summer's over and I can let out my gut again.


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