Friday, January 12, 2007

I know I'm supposed to like Fridays

but I don't. The weekend is so jam packed with activities and chores that I don't have time to sit and enjoy the fact that I'm not working. Which is actually not entirely true since I work at the Y on Sundays. Sigh.

So tomorrow, the only day that God sends that I'm not working, I have to take Henry to the dentist, get Audrey to ballet class, do the grocery shopping, get the laundry done, tidy the house and cook our dinner. There aren't enough hours in the day. And I don't even want to talk about Sunday where Elliott's hockey and my job have a massive conflict and there's a 67's hockey game thrown in for good measure. I guess my Bollywood Freetime movie is out for yet another week.

Double sigh. Bring on Monday. I'll need the rest.
