Thursday, April 22, 2010

New blog!

Well, frankly it's not that new but it'll be new to you. I started it in February and unlike this one, it's every day. Every single day... weekends too. But it's a simple concept. I take a photograph of what I'm doing at 2:01pm. Why 2:01? Because I was born at that time. So I thought it would be interesting to see what I'm doing at my exact birth time everyday. Unfortunately it's not as interesting as I had hoped since most of the things I do happen either before or after 2:01 so I'm mostly in the house. In fact I'm usually computing, watching tv, baking, eating, laundering or grocery shopping. Which explains why I only get 1 hit per day since I started it. And I think it's me. Sad, really.

So I have an alarm on my iPod and when it goes off I take a photo. Not being the most technologically-minded person, I have to have both my iPod and camera nearby but it's not too hard since like I said, 80% of the time I'm at home.

I don't write too much so it's not entirely like death. I actually like that blog a lot because it's so easy to keep. So go visit and say hi in the comments. And stay tuned for what I'll be doing at 2:01 today. Should be pretty boring.



flask said...

i'll be there.

perhaps oddly, a long time ago i took a picture every day for a year at 5:18pm (a randomly selected time).

it was a documentation nightmare in the pre-digital days and i decided then that one day i'd do a similar project, only rotating around the clock.

i am currently nearly four months through my year of taking a picture every 13 hours. my alarm goes off, and wherever i am i take a picture.

it's kind of a weird snapshot life; people come and go. places and activities repeat. short projects show up, and every once in a while i am somewhere with a pretty shot. sometimes i'm sleeping. there are some unattractive self-portraits.

so later today when i'm feeling ambitious, i'll hop on over and have a look at your pictures.

or maybe i'll have a nap and see them tomorrow (it was quite a day).

Jetty said...

I checked it out today so it's not just you.

Joy Heather said... least you have some sort of routing going, i'm useless always late for everything...thats a novel idea..i must try it..enjoying your blog.

kirsten said...

I was born at 3:24am. I think my photos would be much more boring than yours are.