Tuesday, January 18, 2011

I hate the term "blogoversary"


Today it's necessary. HAPPY BLOGOVERSARY TO MEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!

Five years ago today I wrote this on MySpace. Not much of an auspicious start but it is what it is. In the five years since, I've painstakingly moved all my posts one by one over here to blogger. It took months. I worry because I have no hard copy of The Kaye Way. God forbid the internet should break and I lose 5 years of near-daily writing. Gone forever. I'm starting to look into printing and binding the posts in some form but I never seem to have time. Any  advice on how to do this quickly and cheaply would be greatly appreciated.

I started this blog because:

  • I wanted to write. In school you are instructed to write what you know. Apparently I know myself veeeery well. I still write every weekday morning and I've only missed less than a handful of postings when I couldn't get anywhere near a computer.
  • I'm an exhibitionist. Only we bloggers willingly take the acronym TMI to its highest degree. 
  • I wanted in on the blogging bandwagon. I'd heard of it and wanted to be in the loop.
  • I just love the process of writing. Sometimes I'll sit here for 5 minutes and come up with something I think is hilarious. Other times I'll work on an idea off and on in my head for weeks and it ends up being a steaming pantload. It's all part of the exercise. It can be work but more often it's a blast. And when you write as often as I do, naturally some blogs are going to be shitty and some are going to be great. Thank you for coming along for the ride, crap or classic.
I have to admit that I'm jealous of a lot of other bloggers. Some have only been blogging a year or less and suddenly get attention from media, tons of fame and interest. Sometimes they even get rich. How the heck does that happen? Are they that much better than me? I was on a family blog the other day and noticed she had thousands of followers! How the hell did she swing that? Is she that much funnier than I am? Was her blog that much more compelling than mine? It was enough to shake my confidence and that was the day last week when I was begging for people to click on the "follow" button . I know... pathetic.

I suppose I need to give myself a break and realize I don't write a blog that appeals to Hollywood types or book publishers. I'll never get famous from this or earn a book deal. I should just be happy with my merry little band of loyal readers and tell Hollywood and the media to suck it. So suck it!

Sincere thanks to all of you for sticking with me all these years. There are a few of you who've been with me since the very beginning over at MySpace. I'm thinking of Kathy, Chris, Michelle, Joanne, Lisa and my girls from the June '98 board. Did you notice that my husband isn't even here? He'd only start reading it if I got struck by lightning and suddenly started writing about aviation history. But he hears about it at parties. Usually one or 2 people read it and fill him in on the details.

Thank you for giving me confidence when I had little and encouragement when I needed a boost. I tried to write other blogs but this one is the jewel in the crown. The red sole of my Louboutins. Thank you for sticking around for so long everyone. Let's hang out together for a few more years. I'm up for it if you are...



April said...

Happy Blog Anniversary! Love your blog!

Lisa said...

Seriously, I don't know what I'd do without my daily dose of Karen.

Even before I started seeing you almost daily, this was how I caught up with you. Now, I look for the occasional reference to Captain Poopypants, and I confess to being worried that I'm going to piss you off one day and see it in here - but I know that I'd be entertained even by that! I really look forward to it every day!

I love your commitment to this process and seeing things evolve for you. Plus, it gives me great ideas for birthday gifts!

Congratulations and keep up these wonderful, colourful snapshots into your life - I love them!