Friday, June 4, 2010

We're off...

Okay so here's the deal. We are all going on a trip. For the next little while, expect short, weird little posts with no links or photos. If you get posts at all. I've tried to bring everything electronic I need for blogging but some days it just may be too difficult.

Some of you who know me IRL know where I'm going and for how long but Scott expressly told me not to blog it. He's in security and is freaked out about my blogging in the first place, let alone telling virtual strangers about our travel plans.

The house will be well looked after. Neighbours and friends will be in and out every day taking care of our stuff as well as Taz the cat, Bob and Doug the gerbils and the five fish of various and ever-changing names.

So know that I'm thinking of you all and I'll blog as much as I can until things get back to normal at some time in the near future. I'll be checking my email and facebook from time to time so I won't be completely incommunicado. So bon voyage to us and we'll see you soon.



Angie said...

Have a great trip!

But first check out the award we gave you today :)

Lana@The Kids Did WHAT?! said...

Where are you going?
How long will you be gone for?
What's your address and where is your spare key?
***I'm Sooo just kidding!***
Both my parents are prison guards and my dad was (is) especially paraniod. As a kid, I was firbidden to tell my friends we were going to disneyland. I was 9! It didn't stop me.
And no one stole our house so I was forgiven.

Enjoy your trip!! :)

Lana@The Kids Did WHAT?! said...

GAH! That would be fOrbidden. My typo will haunt me forever. :P

flask said...

safe travels. i'll say a little prayer.

kyooty said...

Sounds good but you wont be emailing us in a panic from London requesting cash right?

Mommyreview said...

Can't wait to read more! Come register on my site :) I'm following you now (BLOG FLOW)

Sal said...

Following you through BlogFlow! Enjoy your trip!!!

Jessica Anne said...

Hope you have a good time. My husband is paranoid about my blogging too. He thinks we'll be stalked or something. Following through blogflow.

Deana said...

Have fun!

I am following from blog flow:)

Lucy said...

Have a good trip. Hubby and I are trying to plan one as well. It's not easy with a budget and a baby!

I love your blog header. Beautiful eyes! Found you on blog flow and following. Hopefully we'll get to hear about your trip upon your return :)

TornadoTwos said...

Hope you have a great trip! Following you from blog flow.

Jenn said...

Hey there, following you from Blogflow! :)