Monday, January 25, 2010

Overheard over the weekend...

Scott: It's a beautiful day.
Me: You mean it's a beautiful winter's day.
Scott: What's the difference?
Me: Well, on a rank order scale of beautiful days, where one is the best, and 10 the worst, summer days will always rank 1 through 5 and winter days rank 6 through 10. So even though today is a sunny, relatively warm (for winter) day, the fact that it's still winter so you can only rank it as high as a 6. It still ranks below a warm but rainy July day. It's a Karenworld thing. You wouldn't understand.
Scott: You are so weird.


PS: Just for the record, while trying to find an accompanying photo for this blog and typing "beautiful day" in Google, all I found were photos of beaches and sunshine and flowers. No winter scenes. So HA.


Angie said...

You couldn't be more right. I work with a nut-case of a woman who hates summer and will tell you it's beautiful outside on the most miserable frigidly cold disgusting winter day. It makes me almost gag.

Karen Kaye said...

Agreed! Just because it's sunny, doesn't mean it's "beautiful". Sometimes it's -40 for goodness sakes! Even today is nicer to me since it's above 0. Never mind the pouring rain LOL!