Tuesday, December 1, 2009

They offered me the job

So I have until 4pm today to tell the manager if I'll take it or not. Here the pros and cons:

  • I'll be working at Ricki's, people. Ricki's!
  • 50% off my first 4 items, 30% off the rest
  • Salary not commission
  • My manager has a kid so she'll understand if I need time off
  • Benefits
  • It's at the Mall which is a 20 minute walk from my house
  • You have to wear the tops. Have to, guys!

  • Low pay
  • No guarantee of work after Xmas
  • Only 10-30 hours a week available
  • Working on my feet all day
  • I'll miss Maury Povich
Seriously, I'm delighted. Yes, the pay is lower than my last job but I won't be driving there so we'll save on gas and car wear and tear. It'll actually save us money in the long run. I can tape Maury if I'm so inclined and I own comfortable shoes. The only thing is the work after Christmas but as you know, theoretically, I hate working. And the practice too, frankly. We've just made a habit of eating, is all.

So looks like there are more pros than cons to this job. I'll probably take it. I think. Thanks for all your support in the few days I was unemployed. Dang... I never even received my first Unemployment benefit cheque...


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