Tuesday, December 8, 2009

We have liftoff!

Okay, not really but the tree and decorations are up. Scott did the outside and I did the inside which is really just the entryway and livingroom. He got the perfect tree... tall and skinny so it doesn't interfere with our eyeline to the room's focal point. I'd like to be all hoity-toity and say that it is the fireplace or grand piano but I'd rather be real with you all and admit it's the tv. So no, the tree does not block our television set.

So now with the tree up, I'm feeling all Chrissmassy and worked on my gimme list. It's now done as well. Wanna see it? Thought so. Keep in mind I'm unemployed so we're on a tight, not quite strangle- but sleeper-hold budget. The stuff on here is not up to my usual extravagance:

  • webcam (to Skype with my BFF Kathy in London)
  • giftcards for Ricki's, Amazon or iTunes
  • Snuggie. You heard. Deal with it.
  • TV DVDs. Buffy, Dexter or How I Met Your Mother
  • Chanel #5. At least I can smell rich.
  • Bière d’épinette. I say without hyperbole that I'm going to die if I don't find this stuff soon.
So there it is. No Louboutins or Smart Cars. It's not that I don't want those things if they're on offer but they aren't. This year anyway. I still have next year to win the lottery. Big bucks, no whammies!


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