Friday, August 30, 2013

Running a fun 5K tomorrow morning

I don't know if I mentioned it to you all before but ever since the marathon I walked in '11, I've been pretty much off of organised races. I thought I'd stick to races that were either fun, for a good charity or gave out interesting medals or cool tee shirts. I'm not proud, I want the bling. There's a race called the Resolution Run on New Year's Eve where they give you a fleece instead of a t shirt. A fleece, people. How can I not run that one?

Seriously sweet jacket, amirite?

So anyway tomorrow's race is a called the Run or Dye. As you run by, you are pelted with powdered paint. You get covered in colour and a good time is had by all. I'm all ready with my white t shirt and knee socks (and garbage bags to sit on during the ride home). Plus I have a friend coming in from Montréal so I'm all set. It looks like it may rain (but remember, I love that?) so it may be a bit like this race... a riot!


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