Thursday, June 27, 2013

The joy of coining a new word

It's no surprise to my longtime readers and IRL friends that I love to watch Maury Povich. It's not an everyday thing but if there's nothing else on, I'll flip over. There's nothing like feeling superior to the slutty fools and inbred morons that populate this programme. Another thing that delights me are their names. They canNOT be serious with these names.

Pancake? Did the parents just decide to name the baby after the last thing they ate at Denny's? Ianieka? Offspring of Ian and Tanieka? Why oh why? Then today we had Tequila (I'm sure she was named after the song and not the drink) and Deja. Oh, I'm sorry De'Ja. I'm not kidding. I saw the name and sputtered to Scott through my tea "Oh my god, there's a putostrophe...."

We laughed at my mis-speak, joking that maybe that's the way her parents would say the actual word. Then we realized that this could be a new word for exactly that. A word for when an apostrophe is "put" wherever the hell you want to stick it.

So here's my whole'Hearted endorse'Ment of the use of the term "putostrophe" and I give you all the permis'Sion to sprinkle them through'Out your daily e'Mails and memos. Look how mu'Ch fun!

Putostrophes. Your spell'Check may not like it but it's the wave of the futu'Re!



flask said...

i have been a proponent of the CONCEPT of the putostrophe for a long time but until now had no word for it.

yay for neologisms!

as for nomenclature:

a long time ago before we got all literate and conformist and started publishing lists of approved baby names, we used to name kids in essentially three ways: we gave them names that suggested qualities we wished for them or described them, we named them just regular stuff like "spear" or "flower", or we strung together some syllables that sounded good.

so it;s not terribly far off the mark to name your kid "pancake" or "tanikwa".

granted, bob and susan and emily are all favorites these days, but at one point they were bold trailblazers of names nobody had ever used.

i know a couple who named their kids "newt" and "clover"

and really. why the heck not?

flask said...

yay! an afterthought to my own comment!

people who name their kids weird stuff to indicate how SPECIAL and DIFFERENT they are -much more special than you or your kids- and then subsequently get offended when you don't give the spelling of little brantqexia's name your full undivided attention-

THOSE people are just hatwipes.

Farm Fresh Feasts said...

I will never forget the young teen who loved this one name and wanted to name her daughter Clamidia. Like, Chlamydia.