Thursday, April 26, 2012

'Scuse me, my geek is showing.

Here's a screenshot of what I tried to get away with in a friendly game of Scrabble With Friends. Look, the show has been on nearly 50 years... you'd think some of the words would have seeped into our everyday speech.

I love Doctor Who. I first started watching since the mid-80s (you never forget your first Doctor... mine was Peter Davison, he of the white suit and celery buttonhole) and was hooked. It was written like a fever dream but I loved every second of it. It was off the air for a long time and later when it came back it was like they were writing just for me. They even had a Black girl companion for a while (go Martha!) who made it so much easier to imagine myself travelling with the Doctor in the TARDIS.

Anyway, I don't want to bore you with too much blather about the show, I just wanted to show you how deeply I tend to delve into the ones I love. Whether it's sci-fi like Doctor Who or Star Trek or a soap opera like Coronation Street (do NOT get me started on that one), once I geek out over it, no one is safe.



Anonymous said...

I am a sci-fi /fantasy fan. so want to go to comicon but have other commitment. i am a huge Buffy and Angel fan too. i can watch it over and over while my husband is all "I've seen all the episodes lets watch something else"


the weirdgirl said...

My group of friends would consider "dalek" a perfectly acceptable Scrabble word! Thanks for the laugh.