Monday, August 4, 2014

Civic Holiday

So today is a holiday for Canada (first Monday in August). I'm of two minds about this holiday. Part of me says "yay holiday" but other part says boo... last long weekend of the summer. The weather is getting cooler too. I slept with the windows open last night and not one bead of sweat hit my pillow. Poop.

So if you had the day off today, I hope you had a great time. And government, if you are reading this (and you aren't), can you please give this holiday a name? Civic Holiday is the naming equivalent of Main Street. Let's have some imagination...


PS: Just did a bit of googling and found out that here in Ottawa, the holiday is called Colonel By Day after the man who engineered the Rideau Canal. This is all well and good but it's up to each municipality to call the day what they want. What? Seriously? In different places it's called:

British Columbia Day
New Brunswick Day
Saskatchewan Day (Can I say that spell-check wanted me to replace Saskatchewan with waste-basket. Make of that what you will)
Heritage Day
Natal Day
Simcoe Day
George Hamilton Day (I assume it's not after the famous actor/tanner)
Joseph Brant Day
Founders Day
McLaughlin Day
Alexander Mackenzie Day
James Cockburn Day
Peter Robinson Day
John Galt Day

Whatever you called it, hope it was fun.

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