Thursday, January 22, 2015

Back by popular demand

Well, back as per a single request from my oldest friend (Hi Kathy!), it's...

Haiku Movie Review!

For those who don't know (and where have you been, anyway?) Scott and I go see the Best Picture Oscar nominees. Not a really big explanation needed here, to be honest. And because I'm fascinated by haiku, I write a terrible poem about the movie. The challenge being that a haiku consists of 17 syllables and these movies are usually around 3 days hours long.

Those of you who know me or who have read these posts long enough know that my taste in movies run in the "lowest common denominator" range. Put in a couple of explosions, a spaceship or two, some superheroes, a few laughs, a bunch of monkeys shooting guns and/or riding horses and I'm so completely in. Over the summer, I watch at least one junky movie a week. I love them.

These Oscar movies are like medicine. In fact, I often wonder why I still do this. I frequently don't enjoy them, leaving the theatre feeling depressed, sad or just downright confused. Most of the time all three. I freely admit it... I'm not the intended audience for these movie "masterpieces".

That said, last night Scott and I went to see The Theory of Everything. It was a pleasant surprise that I thought it was excellent. I really enjoyed it.

So, after all that, here is my first Haiku Movie Review...

The Theory of Everything

Deserves every prize
For getting me to feel like
Stephen Hawking's hot.


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