Thursday, September 1, 2016

School starts in 6 days

Summer is nearly over. In fact, there's already a chill in the air (and in my heart) just thinking about it.

But I don't want to be negative. So here are 10 things I'm looking forward to in the coming months.

  1. My leopard print Snuggie
  2. New tv season
  3. knitting
  4. Christmas
  5. I'll be back on a schedule so the gym and my diet can get back to normal
  6. Um... Oooh! I can drink my lapsang souchong tea again
  7. Doctor Strange and Fantastic Beasts in November and Rogue One in December
  8. hot chocolate
  9. guilt-free couch surfing
  10. I seriously can't think of another one. I want my summer back!
Sorry, that last one was a negative slip. I'm really going to miss summer, though.


A lot.


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