Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Haiku for Boyhood

Okay. I liked this movie, but it seemed to never end. I'm glad we saw it at home because I would have for sure had a lovely restful sleep in the theatre. As we were at home, we spelled ourselves with several breaks and snacks. I'm not sure why the critics are falling over themselves over it. Nothing happens. I mean nothing.

It told a lovely story about a boy (actually more like the whole family) throughout 12 years of his life. I think it was a stunt but whatever. It was supposed to focus on the boy but I loved Patricia Arquette's character and the girl who played the main character's sister (who happened to be the director's daughter). Lovely and natural.

So here's the haiku...

Took 12 years to film
Felt like 12 years to get through
Please go see Whiplash


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