Monday, July 11, 2011

Audrey and I are alone!

And we sure aren't complaining. She's been snuggling in bed with me, yesterday we went shopping and tonight we're going out for Chinese. We went jogging out near the stables this morning and searched for cupcake supplies this afternoon. The house has been devoid of boy smells, any and all shooting noises, mysterious cumbs on the floor and Nutella gooped knives on the kitchen counter. Why do they need a different knife for both pieces of toast? And how do they get Nutella all the way up the handle? Anyway, my point is why do I miss them so darned much? Don't tell Audrey I said that. She's loving being an only child this week a darn sight more than I'm enjoying being a single mother. Not that Audrey isn't the coolest daughter ever, only that my boys are part of me too.

It's funny. You spend so much time fantasizing about spending time on your own, having cake before dinner, watching romantic comedies without having to endure the sarcastic sniggering and when the time comes you actually get bored really quick and end up talking about them all day long to anyone who'll listen.

So... are you still listening? Hello? Guys?


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